Category: Advocacy

Recent HCC Advocacy

The Cascadia PTA has circulated a petition with the recommendations for the district to:

(1) Pause the sunsetting of the HCC, 

(2) Continue to improve identification of underserved students, and 

(3) Reinstate advanced learning opportunities at local schools.  

In just one week, over 1100 people, and growing, have signed the petition. Hundreds of signatories have …

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Show your support for retaining the HCC model

The Seattle Times recently published an article on Why Seattle Public Schools is closing its highly capable cohort program. The Cascadia Elementary School PTA Board then shared a response and alternative solutions in an op-ed with The Seattle Times. We encourage families to read and share this response to help …

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Call to Action – Building and Maintaining Safer School Facilities

Here is a note from our Advocacy chairs, and the Advocacy Chair of the WSPTA:

Your voice is critical…and it only takes a few minutes!

We live in a beautiful state, but one that faces the threat of earthquakes and other emergencies on a daily basis. Our students and staff, who spend a large part …

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Advocacy Update

Statewide Legislative Initiatives The Washington Legislature is in session. There are a number of bills working their way through the system that focus on education and the overall well-being of students and families. Through the Washington State PTA, you can sign up here ( to receive (easy) daily advocacy actions you can this …

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Listening Session with PTA Board and AL SPS

Thank you to all the parents who submitted questions to the Advanced Learning Staff.  You can view the slides they presented to us and a summary of the meeting, including their prepared and answers to your questions. In short, Cascadia will be open to all current and incoming 1st graders for the next …

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Cascadia supports SSEPTSA

On December 8 the Cascadia PTA board voted to stand with the Seattle Special Education PTSA and vote no-confidence in the school district for its continued failure to serve our students with disabilities, particularly children of color.  Read more about SSEPTSA’s statement here.

Weigh in on WSPTA Legislative Issue

What issues are most important to you?

Each year local PTA units attend a legislative assembly in October.  At the time delegates help define and prioritize legislative issues of interest to the Washington State PTA.

Member voice matters — please take a few minutes and complete our  Cascadia PTA e-survey. There’s a …

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Black Lives Matter

Join us to walk in support, June 17 @ 5pm.

Ready to Advocate for HCC? Sign up today!

Five Ticonderoga Pencils

The Board of Directors for Seattle Public Schools continues to explore how to support highly capable learners. In the near term, input pertaining to whether and how to continue the cohort model that created Cascadia Elementary is being evaluated.

In order to best coordinate a strong, well-informed strategy to provide input …

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Advocacy: SPS Board & Advanced Learning Task Force Meetings

SPS school board 2017 photo

As many parents and guardians of students at Cascadia know, there is an ongoing discussion about the best way to provide services to students identified as “advanced learners” in the district (and beyond).

The Cascadia PTA Board suggests that Cascadia families consider attending upcoming meetings of the Seattle School Board, Board Member Community …

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