Recent HCC Advocacy

The Cascadia PTA has circulated a petition with the recommendations for the district to:

(1) Pause the sunsetting of the HCC, 

(2) Continue to improve identification of underserved students, and 

(3) Reinstate advanced learning opportunities at local schools.  

In just one week, over 1100 people, and growing, have signed the petition. Hundreds of signatories have also left compelling and heartfelt comments (some examples are quoted below). This demonstrates the strong community support that exists for highly capable and advanced learning services.  

See the petition, with over 1100 signatures so far, or add your name.

Examples of comments that we received on this petition when people signed:

· “I grew up in poverty, but was identified as highly capable as a child. This gave me the opportunity to pursue advanced studies and eventually become a primary care doctor. I believe that limiting advanced education to only those who can afford private school is a big mistake.”

· “The principal of our assignment area elementary told us our child would end up in jail one day. He was in trouble so frequently that he started a newsletter on school office gossip at the age of 7. After switching to Cascadia 9 years ago, he has never had another behavioral problem.”

· “My children only found that they were not ostracized for being different because they found a home in the HCC community. At their local schools they were ridiculed for being different and from either doing some other schoolwork or reading at recess.”

· “My son is neurodiverse (ADHD) and struggled to engage with school before securing a space in Fairmount Park HCC starting in fourth grade. These past two school years have made a world of difference, reigniting his love of learning and giving his father and I hope for a path forward.”

· “I’m an educator and parent in this district. The premature dismantling of this program negatively impacts the very people the district is endeavoring to center and support.”

· “Removing resources is not the path to equity. Teachers already can’t “individualize” learning plans, and this is going to make things harder for all the students.”

· “Currently in Catholic School, would return to SPS if HCC reinstated (West Seattle).”

· “We would like our children to attend public school, but with the dismantling of programs to support accelerated learning (not to mention closing schools and reallocating PTA funds) we are forced to consider alternatives.”

· “We are considering moving away from Seattle to east side as we have another child who is a potential HCC child and goes to a different school today.”

· “Eliminating HCC contributes to further inequity as underprivileged families and children have no other opportunities to pursue differentiated learning, while other families will pursue private tuition and/or private schools to give their children the academic boost.”

We have asked the district for comment and sent this information to the school board to plea for their advocacy on this issue as well.