PTA Membership FAQ

How do I join the PTA? 

There is a two-step process.   

1) Fill out this Email & Directory form.  This will get you: the weekly PTA newsletter and other email announcements and the option of joining the school directory to connect with parents, classmates, bus route families, etc.  

2) To become a paying supporter and voting member of the Cascadia PTA, state and national Parent Teacher Association (PTA), follow the link to GiveBacks from our PTA Membership page. Once you sign up through GiveBacks, you will receive an email to access your Membership ID card and username/password to Membership discounts.  

Who should join the PTA? 

PTA is not just for Moms! Adult family members of students at Cascadia are strongly encouraged to join the PTA. Grandparents, neighbors and community members may join as well, as we all have a vested interest in our schools and the PTA gives you a voice. All our students are automatically honorary, non-voting members. You can be a PTA Member at any number of schools at any time. You do not need to have a child enrolled at PTA to support us.  

What does membership in the PTA cost? 

The annual Membership fee is $13.50 and expires in October of the following school year. You can join anytime during the school year.  Scholarships are available. If you would like to request a fee waiver, please directly.

What does my membership money get used for? 

A portion of your collected fee (15%)  goes directly to the Cascadia PTA to fund exciting  programs and services for students, their amazing teachers and this incredible community. Cascadia PTA is primarily funded by an annual direct contribution campaign from families and community members, which happens in October. Please note, PTAs are 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations, meaning your annual contribution is tax-deductible and that our PTA must comply with all laws governing nonprofits. 

What are the benefits of PTA membership?

BUILD COMMUNITY. First and most importantly, a large PTA is indicative of an engaged school community. Our aim is always to have as many family members join the PTA as possible. Fun fact: More members in a PTA equates to higher overall graduation rates (at the high school level).  

VOTE.  As a PTA member you are eligible to vote at PTA meetings. PTA members direct the budget, endorse educational enrichment and community-building activities, and assist the school with decision-making. The PTA has been instrumental in advocating for continued support of HCC services in Seattle Public Schools. 

That said, all family members are welcome and strongly encouraged to attend PTA meeting, ask questions and provide feedback. Cascadia PTA and our school leadership solicit input and opinions via surveys, email and Principal Chats throughout the school year as well. 

ADVOCATE. In addition to direct engagement and school support, PTA members are joining and supporting a large, 501(c)3 nonprofit that advocates for students across the country. This organization provides training, technology and other support for PTAs, which helps standardize processes, provides ideas and guidance and reduces risk for PTAs across the country. Read more about recent advocacy campaigns supported by the Cascadia PTA. 

DISCOUNTS. By joining your local PTA, you become a part of Washington State PTA (WSPTA), the oldest and largest advocacy organization in the state working to help every child succeed. As a thank you, WSPTA secures a variety of discounts for our members including car rentals, Disneyland vacations, Great Wolf Lodge and others! You can see a full list here.  Email our Membership Director for more information. 


What is Cascadia PTA’s tax information?
Organization’s Legal Name: Cascadia PTA
Contact information: 1700 N 90th St., Seattle, WA 98103, 206-413-2000
Tax-ID: 45-2972289

Still have questions? We’d love to hear them.