The Advanced Learning Taskforce (ALTF) has requested input from families in HCC programs via a short, online survey. Please complete the survey as soon as possible. No deadline has been provided; sooner is better, as the ALTF is slated to conclude their work shortly.
Tag: advanced learning
Sep 18
Ready to Advocate for HCC? Sign up today!
The Board of Directors for Seattle Public Schools continues to explore how to support highly capable learners. In the near term, input pertaining to whether and how to continue the cohort model that created Cascadia Elementary is being evaluated.
In order to best coordinate a strong, well-informed strategy to provide input …
Sep 10
Advocacy: SPS Board & Advanced Learning Task Force Meetings
As many parents and guardians of students at Cascadia know, there is an ongoing discussion about the best way to provide services to students identified as “advanced learners” in the district (and beyond).
The Cascadia PTA Board suggests that Cascadia families consider attending upcoming meetings of the Seattle School Board, Board Member Community …