Cascadia PTA’s own i-Lab coordinator, Kristen Bergsman, share the following for our families this summer.
Jun 07
Library resources
Librarian extraordinaire, Merrick Bodmer, regularly is sharing news from her “Smore” page – subscribe, or bookmark it and check it often!
Available this week are a number of anti-racist book recommendations, as well as ongoing info about the virtual book fair.
Jun 03
Provide while you Pick-up
The Cascadia PTA is organizing two drives to take place during the school pick-up days next week: SUMMER CARE PACKAGES FOR HEADSTART STUDENTS As we prepare for summer break, we want to support the Cascadia Head Start students with materials for summer learning as well as household necessities. At next week’s Pick Up Days we will …
Jun 02
Hosts Needed for Virtual Summer Meet Ups
Is your family looking for a way to connect with other Cascadia families over summer break? Sign up to host a virtual summer playdate. It’s fun and easy! You choose the date, time, and which grade levels to invite. We’ll set you up with a meeting link and some suggestions …
May 28
Student Item Pick-up/Drop-Off
During the first two weeks of June, teachers and staff will be in the building packing up. Teachers will gather student items for drive-through pick-up. Students are asked to use this time to bring back all items that belong to the school. This includes:
-Musical instruments (including recorders)
-Library books
-Any other items loaned to …
Apr 22
What’s Working
This past month has been a new challenge for many of us – figuring out how to balance our days and work with our kids in a new way. Every family has their own sticking points, but I bet every family has discovered at least one things that works. This post is to share what …
Apr 22
PTA General Membership Meeting
A meeting for the general membership of Cascadia PTA is scheduled for Thursday, April 30, 7-9pm. Please look for a link to the virtual meeting in your email.
The agenda for this month’s general meeting will be:
7-7:10pm : Greetings and chat.
7:10-7:25pm: Principal’s Update (Sandra Mackey)
7:25-7:35pm: President’s Update (Megan Hazen)
7:35-7:40pm: Proposed …
Apr 22
Yearbook Information
Ordering Yearbooks
There’s less than two weeks left to order a 2020 yearbook. Please place your order online at by Monday, May 4th. The cost is $26 and the yearbook will be delivered to the address you provide online. For scholarship requests, please contact Hee Rae Cho at
Yearbook Photos
Apr 21
There are so many things that we will appreciate that much more once we return to campus and one thing for certain is that we have an amazing school staff! While the school building may be closed, the staff is still working very hard – delivering learning online, connecting with families, preparing meals …
Apr 21
We need YOU for the 2020/21 PTA Board
We hope that you and your families are staying healthy, active, and adjusting as well as possible with the support you need at this time. While this school year has proven to be unlike anything we could have ever imagined at the start of this year, we invite you to envision how you can contribute …