Category: Uncategorized

Help Fight the Flu in Seattle – Participate in the Seattle Flu Study

The flu affects almost 10% of us every year and can lead to serious illness requiring missing school, work, doctor visits, or going to the hospital.

The Seattle Flu Study is a new study to understand how flu spreads in our city. We want to see how flu and other germs spread in a city. …

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Elementary Instrumental Music Registration!

sheet music and a violin

Dear Families of 4th and 5th graders at Cascadia,

Online registration is open for instrumental music through Sunday, September 15! Details of the program can be found in the attached pdf, which will also be sent home with students on Monday, 9/9, after our in-class instrument demonstrations. Please check it out for answers to common …

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Stay in Touch with Cascadia This Summer

Dragon Digest is not weekly during summer, but expect periodic communications about summer playdates, back to school events and logistics, and ad hoc updates as needed. Here’s how to know if you’re “in the know.”

Families with students attending Cascadia in 2018-19

Garden Educator Update

Thanks for all the fun, work, and learning in the Cascadia Garden!

Read all about the third graders’ spring garden experience below.

If you would like to continue gardening this summer, here are some fun possibilities:

Volunteer Positions

The Cascadia PTA is still looking for volunteers for a few key jobs.  These are great choices for either new or returning parents.If any of these sound interesting, please contact  The PTA looks forward to working with you!

1.  Someone who loves dotting i’s and crossing t’s to make sure …

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Summer Playdates

The calendar of grade level and neighborhood playdates for Cascadia Families is now available! Each playdate is on the events calendar, and a summary list is in the document below.

Come and play with others on the playground. Any grade/neighborhood is welcome as are friends and siblings of Cascadia students. You are welcome …

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