Author's posts

Elementary Instrumental Music Registration!

sheet music and a violin

Dear Families of 4th and 5th graders at Cascadia,

Online registration is open for instrumental music through Sunday, September 15! Details of the program can be found in the attached pdf, which will also be sent home with students on Monday, 9/9, after our in-class instrument demonstrations. Please check it out for answers to common …

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Welcome Back to the Library! [Library News]

photo of books on library shelves in a bright room

Welcome back to school everybody! I’m so excited for another great year in the library. I’m here Monday–Friday until 1 pm and each class visits the library every week. We read great books, work on fun projects and learn and create with a variety of media.

I’m always looking for parent volunteers to help with …

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Time to Show Your Dragon Spirit—It’s Fall Spirit Wear Time!

Image with select items from fall 2019 spirit wear collection

We’re excited to continue our partnership with The Uplifters with some great new designs as well as favorites from the spring. All items are made in Los Angeles and have the perfect soft, vintage-inspired feel. What’s even better is that with each item you purchase, 15% of the sale will go back to Cascadia! This …

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Volunteer leaders wanted!

Volunteer in all caps in purple

Update! We’re looking for volunteers for two fall activities, in addition to our list below.

Reflections Art contest: As part of our National PTA membership, our students are able to participate in the Reflections Art contest. This program currently needs a few volunteers to help run the contest within our school. This job …

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Back to School at Cascadia – What to Expect

students and parents in Cascadia Elementary playground

Cascadia Elementary is a special place! One of the things that makes us different is our students entering the school at every grade level, every year. That’s a lot of opportunity to meet new people, make friends, attend an awesome new school, and, um, worry, overthink, and perseverate!

One of my favorite things about being …

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Information Your Little Dragons Need: Sign Up for the Directory & Digest

Cascadia PTA banner with dragon at right

Are you wondering what those buttons up there under “Communications” do? Why you should bother filling out a form for the Dragon Digest & the Dragon Directory?

The Dragon Digest is our weekly email newsletter. Plus, because you can enter students’ classroom information (teacher and grade level), we can help volunteers organizing grade-level events—from picnics …

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The triumphant return of Cascadia’s Makerspace, the iLab! [Volunteer & Donation Opportunities]

Makerspace graphic

STEM | Making | Tinkering | Engineering  | Fun!

Volunteer in our school makerspace! We are fortunate at Cascadia to have an amazing makerspace, known as the iLab. This year, Cascadia will introduce a new iLab STEM education program for our youngest students (grades 1 & 2), and all classrooms will utilize …

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Garden Zucchini Fun!

The Cascadia PTA sponsors garden programming for third grade students.  Currently, the summer crop of vegetables are coming in, including scarlet runner beans, pumpkins, and a bumper zucchini crop.  One rising fourth grader proposed some summer Zucchini Math practice. Come taste some zucchini bread and see the garden space during our back to …

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Cascadia: Welcome to the 2019-2020 School Year

Principal Anna Wallace sent the message below to families via School Messenger email on Friday, August 16. It is posted here for currently registered families to reference. See the communications section below for information on how to make sure you stay in the know, all year long.

Dear Cascadia Families,

I am excited to …

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Vote by August 6: School Board Primary

Remember to vote by August 6, 2019 for the Seattle School Board primary!

This year, 4 of the 7 seats on the Seattle School Board are up for election. With 12 primary candidates holding a wide variety of perspectives, your August 6 vote is incredibly important. If you will be out of town, …

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