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How to Access HCC

Cascadia is an Highly Capable Cohort School.  In order for your child to attend Cascadia, they first need to be identified as “Highly Capable” by SPS, then you need to opt them into Cascadia using the school choice process.

The Advanced Learning Dept. of SPS is the entity that controls this process – check their website for the official district documentation on the process.  In school year 2022-2023, there is a window in November where you can submit a form to refer your child for consideration, but, the district also says the consider all students.


Q: What testing is used to determine HC eligibility?

A: This changes from year to year, but the district is no longer using cognitive testing to make determinations, and there is no special testing done for HC.  Instead they are looking at data they already have about academic achievement, such as MAP scores, and input from teachers about whether your child is capable of working above grade level.

Q: Can my student receive HC services in their neighborhood school?

A: What is available to HC students varies from school to school, and tends to be minimal.  Each school gets to make their own decision how to serve HC kids, and they’re supposed to include information about that in their CSIP document.

Q: If my child is identified as HC, will they automatically be transferred to Cascadia or a HC cohort school?

A: No.  Only if you fill out a school choice form asking to be moved.

Q: I have private testing showing my child should be eligible for HC.  How can I get this factored into the decision?

A: The district refuses to look at the results of private testing for HC eligibility decisions.