Public Safety Survey

Seattle University is administering the 5th annual citywide Seattle Public Safety Survey. The purpose of the survey is to solicit feedback on public safety and security concerns from those who live and/or work in Seattle. A report on the survey results will be provided to the Seattle Police Department to assist them with making your neighborhood …

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Goal smashed by generous Dragon Families!

Thank you! Your generosity means students, teachers & staff will have the support and tools they need to succeed at Cascadia Elementary this year. 

The final tally is still being determined, but one thing is clear: Dragons support each other. Thank you to every person and family who participated in this year’s fund drive. …

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Fall Festival – come celebrate (and sign up to volunteer!)

Red apples on a backyard tree against a blue sky

We hope you will join us for the Cascadia Fall Festival on Thursday, October 24, from 5:30 – 8:00 pm!

We are excited to build community together through our annual Fall Festival. Fun games and crafts for the whole family include the beloved dance party!

Dante’s Inferno Dogs stand will be joining us this year …

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Provide Input to the Advanced Learning Taskforce

Five Ticonderoga Pencils

The Advanced Learning Taskforce (ALTF) has requested input from families in HCC programs via a short, online survey. Please complete the survey as soon as possible. No deadline has been provided; sooner is better, as the ALTF is slated to conclude their work shortly.

Click here to complete the survey online:

It’s Red Envelope Day!

Lego characters from The Lego Movie with text overlay promoting the Annual Fund

It’s day one of our Cascadia Annual Fund! We run this campaign exactly once per year, and it’s our only fundraising event. Please check with your Dragon(s) for red envelopes, which were distributed at school today, for information on making a donation to the PTA Annual Fund. (Note: If a student missed school today, they’ll …

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Help Fight the Flu in Seattle – Participate in the Seattle Flu Study

The flu affects almost 10% of us every year and can lead to serious illness requiring missing school, work, doctor visits, or going to the hospital.

The Seattle Flu Study is a new study to understand how flu spreads in our city. We want to see how flu and other germs spread in a city. …

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Calling All Gardeners – and Gardener-Wanna-Bes!

Red apples on a backyard tree against a blue sky

The grounds around Cascadia need some sprucing up and we need lots of help!

Last year, we focused on weeding and mulching the beds around the parking lot. (Still needs work, but it’s better than it was!) This year, I’d love to continue last year’s efforts and expand our “control” to the beds all along …

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Ready to Advocate for HCC? Sign up today!

Five Ticonderoga Pencils

The Board of Directors for Seattle Public Schools continues to explore how to support highly capable learners. In the near term, input pertaining to whether and how to continue the cohort model that created Cascadia Elementary is being evaluated.

In order to best coordinate a strong, well-informed strategy to provide input …

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Got Art? Want to Share Supplies or Volunteer? [News from the Art Room]

Watercolor pallet, brushes and a blank notepad on a table

Cascadia’s visual art teacher, Ronnie (Veronica) Bush, was so excited for the new school year that she lost her voice before the first week was out! She rebounded quickly and would like to share this note with Cascadia families, as well as her most-needed donation items in the list below.

Plus, Ronnie is looking for …

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Calling all Artists! Reflections Art Program 2019-20 Seeks Submissions

Colorful poster with an image of an eye at center

Calling all artists! The 2019-20 National PTA Reflections Program is underway! Students are encouraged to submit original works of literature, visual art (2D or 3D), or photography on the theme Look Within. Finalists will have their work displayed at Seattle Center for the citywide competition.

Rules and entry forms are available …

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