Category: Uncategorized

Volunteers needed: Fall Festival, Tuesday Lunch/Recess, and Enrichment coordinators

Cascadia Fall Festival is next week, Thursday, October 26, 2023 from 5:30 until 7:30pm. We have an urgent need for volunteers to make this event a success! Fall is here, and your PTA is preparing for our first big social event of the school year. We need your help to highlight the diversity of our …

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Curriculum Night – October 12 5:30pm

Curriculum night is approaching! This is a great way to learn about what your kids will be learning about in school. Teachers are holding two sessions, but you only need to attend one; the two sessions will offer the same information to meet the needs of families’ various schedules and to enable families with two …

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Support Instrumental Music!

Cascadia celebrates the participation of 5th graders and 4th graders* in the Instrumental Music Program.

For students participating in the instrumental music program, we ask that for families that can, they pay $120 to help cover the cost of this program for all students who participate.

Please see the informational sheet for more details.

*Note: Due to SPS budget reductions for the 2023-2024 school year, instrumental music will be offered to ALL 5th grade students. Interested 4th graders can apply for …

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Save the Date! Game nights start next week

We will have our first game night of the year next week on Wednesday, October 4th. The event will be from 5:30-7:30pm. The dates for this year’s game nights will be as follows: Wed 10/4 Wed 12/6 Wed 2/7 Wed 4/3

Community Picnic and Frisbee Mixer Events

Join members of the Cascadia Community for a low key picnic this Friday September 22nd at Maple Leaf Park @ 5pm. Bring your own blanket and food and get to know some other Cascadia families!

Also, 3rd-5th graders can join for our first Frisbee Mixer of the year this Saturday, September 23rd.

PTA General Meeting September 21st

Dear Cascadia Community, the PTA would like to invite you to our spring General Membership Meeting on September 21st at 7:00 PM.  This will be a virtual meeting on Zoom.

During this meeting, there be information about the PTA, what programs we support, and how to get involved, as well as Q&A.  You do not …

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Volunteering in 2023-2024

Hi Cascadia Families!

Did you know that our school relies on volunteers to help support recess and lunch time? We are looking for a few (hopefully regular) volunteers to come help out with lunch/recess monitoring. This helps ensure that our students have a safe and fun experience.

Parents who would like to volunteer at school …

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Volunteers needed – Lunch and recess

Monday through Friday, Cascadia needs volunteers to help with lunch and recess. The days with the most critical need are Monday through Wednesday.

Sign up on SignUp Genius and be sure to have cleared volunteer status.

Challenges and Delay to After-School Enrichment Programs

Cascadia Elementary’s after-school enrichment program currently faces two challenges: 1 – Seattle Public Schools (SPS) building restrictions: SPS has a strict building permit and vendor approval process. Any outside vendor programming can begin on school property only once SPS has approved the vendor and building use. Due to the timing in SPS approval of the vendors and …

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PTA Back to School Packets

Welcome back to school! As we begin a new year, the PTA has compiled an information packet that will be available at the Meet the Teacher night and PTA Community Coffee event.

06 Sept PTA First Day Forms