1418 NW 65th St
WA 98117
Please note: This forum follows a BHS PTA General Meeting, which begins at 7pm. It was shared with us by BHS and is open to the public.
Candidate Forum Event Details
Ballard High School PTSA is hosting a Seattle Public Schools Board Candidate Forum at its first General Meeting of the school year. The General Meeting begins at 7 p.m. followed by the Candidate Forum at 7:30 p.m. both in the Performing Arts Center.
This will be an open forum, featuring questions from students and the school community audience. While these candidates represent specific neighborhood districts, all city voters may weigh in on the best School Board representation on their ballots. This will be the perfect opportunity to become informed, beyond the voter pamphlet. It’s YOUR School Board – be informed before you cast your ballot on November 5th!
SPS Board Candidates:
District 1 – Eric Blumhagen and Liza Rankin
District 3 – Chandra Hampson and Rebeca Muñiz
District 6 – Leslie Harris and Molly Mitchell
The SPS board candidates attending the forum represent three of the four open board positions representing neighborhoods in North and West Seattle.
Candidate Questions:
Do you have questions for the school board candidates or would like more information? Contact: Brian Duncan, BHS PTSA Legislative Liaison at beduncan@earthlink.net.