New Tech Policy at Cascadia

The administration has been working on a draft technology policy to make sure that technology is being used consistently across Cascadia classrooms, and is being used with the appropriate level of intentionality. Bottom line, if a child is on an ipad or computer, both the teacher and the student should be able to articulate the educational purpose of them using this technology. The draft policy is below, and there is a link to a survey on your thoughts about the policy.

  • Purpose: The use of technology in the classroom should be purposeful and aligned with instructional outcomes. This policy ensures that all digital tools and resources support educational standards and enhance student learning. 
  •     1. Approved Sites Menu:
  •       District-Approved Resources: Only websites and digital tools that have been reviewed and approved by the district may be used. These resources must align with instructional standards and outcomes.
  •       Instructional Alignment: All approved sites must support the learning objectives of our curriculum. Teachers should ensure that resources are directly related to the instructional content and standards being taught.
  •       2. Purposeful Use of Technology:
  •       Instructional Use: Computers and other digital devices should be utilized exclusively for instructional purposes. This includes activities that are directly related to educational objectives and standards.
  •       Student Explanation: Students should be able to articulate how the technology they are using supports their learning. This encourages intentional use and helps students understand the connection between technology and educational goals.
  •       3. Free Choice and Instructional Purpose:
  •       Purposeful Free Choice: Any free-choice activities or resources must still have a clear instructional purpose. This can include supporting social-emotional learning standards or enhancing academic skills.
  •       Earned Use: Free-choice or earned use of technology should be valuable and limited to a pre-approved list of resources. This list should be curated to ensure it contributes positively to educational outcomes.
  •       4. Review and Approval:
  •       Principal Review: All lists of approved sites and resources must be submitted to The principal for review. This ensures that all technology use aligns with our educational standards and instructional goals.

Please take the survey to give your feedback.