SPS School Closures and What it Means for Cascadia

Dear Cascadia community,

On September 11, 2024, SPS proposed two options for future school closures. The School Board would need to approve either option for it to proceed (the vote is currently scheduled for December). Under either option, Cascadia would remain open, but would become a neighborhood school.

To the best of our knowledge and our understanding of the SPS FAQscurrent Cascadia students would remain at Cascadia and continue in their HC Cohort. We expect more information from the school administration and the district in the coming days and weeks. The Cascadia PTA will update our community with more information as it becomes available.  

We encourage families to join us to listen, learn, and bring forth your questions and concerns at our first general meeting of the year on Thursday, September 19 at 7 pm. Sign up to get on the email distribution list for the Zoom link, which will be shared on September 18 via email and here on the website an hour before the meeting.  

*** Separately, please make sure your student attends school on Tuesday, October 1 as the district counts our enrollment as of that date (and that date only) for purposes of allocating additional teachers.

In community,

The Cascadia Elementary PTA