Current Volunteer Needs

You can always view and sign up for a variety of volunteer opportunities on our Sign Up Genius page. Here are some current needs:

Music Concert Set Up – We are in need of volunteers to set up the gym after school on Tuesday, May 28 for our Music Concert!

Art & Talent Show Set Up and Stage Management – Help set up or put away chairs in preparation for the Art & Talent Show on Thursday, May 30 or assist kids before they head up on stage.

Field Day Set Up – We’re looking for 50 volunteers to help make our Field Day on Tuesday, June 18 a success!

Garden Coordinator – Help organize work parties to clean up and maintain the garden, oversee summer maintenance, and more.

Lunch and recess

We are in urgent need of volunteers to help make lunch and recess a safe and fun environment for our kids. The shift is daily from 10:30 am to 12 pm and especially on Thursdays, but we need help on all days.  Please consider coming in to help make our school run smoothly! Please use the sign up genius to indicate all days that you plan to help out in order for the office to better plan staff schedules.

When we have less than 2 recess volunteers we are unable to open the field. When the field is open it allows our kids to explore and experiment more, and it allows them to play games like soccer and kickball. The vast majority of lunch recesses over January and February have only been able to happen on the pavement and playground and so our students who like these sorts of sports are especially impacted.

If your schedule allows, please consider signing up for a volunteer shift during lunch recess.

Right now our focus is on Thursday, and we need support on all days.

Thank you for all your support and for raising such wonderful children!

I want to help out in the lunchroom and on the playground

Volunteer PaperworkIf you have plans to volunteer any time this school year, please complete the SPS-required volunteer process. Please fill out the forms and complete the background check ahead of time. This needs to be done every 2 years and the process can take several weeks. Get started now and don’t let it stall you later!

Check out the Cascadia SignUp Genius page for all volunteer opportunities.