Please join us for a back to school opportunity for students to get to know their teachers and classmates! At the appointed time, students are invited to meet with their teachers and classmates. Parents are discouraged from using this time to talk to teachers and should instead email teachers to introduce themselves or raise issues specific to their children. Families members can talk with members of the PTA, get general school questions answered by the PTA, and participate in the Spiritwear Give and Get!
All people coming to the Open(ish) house will need to be masked. Please enter the main courtyard through the front of the school and plan to exit out the back. While we generally encourage lingering and chatting, we are requesting that families try to come at their appointed time and leave once their students are done meeting with their teachers and classmates to allow for increased space.
1st and 5th Grades – 2:00-2:30 pm
2nd & 3rd Grades – 2:45-3:15
4th Grades – 3:30-4:00